ChatBeacon ChatBot Shortcodes


After connecting one of the chatbots to your ChatBeacon Account, you may want to use the followingshortcodes with your chatbot workflow:

1. Initiate your chat (Chat Accepted): 

[target='chat' action=0/]

2. Chat Transfer to Queue

[target='chat' targetId=22 type=1/]

Replace 22 with your own Queue ID or Department ID (retrieve this from your chat window javascriptcode)

3. Request To Join sent to another Queue

[target='queue' targetId=274 type=2/]

Replace 274 with your own Queue ID (you may retrieve it from your chat window javascript code)

4. How to check if the Queue is offline 

[target='queue' status=0/]

5. Transfer Chat to Operator

[target='chat' targetId=1237 type=0/]

Replace 1237 with the Operator ID (retrieve the ID from the ChatBeacon Admin Console or contact usfor tech support).

6. Operator Offline

[target='operator' status=3/]

7. Transfer Rejected

[target='chat' action=5/]

8. Transfer Accepted

[target='chat' action=4/]

9. Visitor Profile updated (if you capture their name and email address)

[target='profile' status=1]

10. Formatted links example:

[a url=""]ChatBeacon Live Chat[/a] 

11. Email Notification when the ChatBot captures a message during a chat:

You will be able to use the shortcode in your intents and the shortcode for your "TextResponse" is:

Your message was sent. [beacon sendtranscript subject="ChatBot Captured Offline Message"]

"Your message was sent" - this is what the customer will see in the chat window.

"ChatBot Captured Offline Message" - this is the email subject for the email sent to your queue emailaddress

When this is triggered, it will send an email notification with the chat transcript and a custom emailsubject. You can use this when the ChatBot captures an offline message during the chat and the emailwill be sent when the chat ends. 

12. Buttons or Quick Replies (the example below will show a clickable button)

[beacon type="button" text="Sales"]

13. In-Chat Survey:

[beacon type="survey" id="1"]

You will retrieve the Survey ID from the ChatBeacon Web Admin > Queue settings > Surveys . ChatSurveys. 

Site Variables Shortcode : variable must be added in the WebAdmin > Site settings and must bepresent in the chat code. The example below shows the site variable named "balance" used in theDialogFlow Text Response as a shortcode:

[target="chat" action="7" property="balance" value="Your balance is {value}" alt="Im sorry butyour balance in our system has not been updated yet."/]